Turkish prisoners of war in Buda, 1686

The Danube River on an Ottoman map, after the retaking of Buda

This map above tells us that there were many Turkish prisoners in Buda, barely two months after its taking. Although many of the captives had been taken away from the city, still many of them are kept on Margit Island, says the document.

According to a reliable FB group that is researching the history of the Italian engineer Count Marsigli, the following Ottoman prisoners were listed in a document issued in Buda on 25 October 1686:

(Visit their page if you can read in Hungarian: https://www.facebook.com/Gróf-Marsigli-a-katona-és-tudós-egy-talján-polihisztor-emlékezete-382983911733731/)

“Here is the list of the Turkish prisoners held in the castle of Buda on 25 October 1686:

Mustafa odabasi, Hussein gönüllü. Omer, a Janissary from the 13th oda, Mustafa müezzin aka church-proclaimer;

Court Janissaries: Kara Mustafa, Kara Hussein, Kudschuk Ahmed. Mehemmed Abd’ullah. Omer. Jusuf. Dshigritscheli. Halil Bascha. Mehemmed. Ismail. Suleiman. Kiose Ali. Ismail Stanboli. Kudschuk Veli. Deli Hussein. Mustafa Vradsch. Ahmed. Hadsi Mehemmed. Ibrahim. Tat Hassan. Kudschuk Ahmed.

Koniali Ismail was sent to Eger to the barber-surgeon of Savoy;

Giudschi Jussuf. Hassan. Ali Bascha. Saka oghla Mustafa. Abd’ullah. Kudschuk Mehemmed. Deli Mehemmed. Deli Ahmed. Hassan. Kiurd Ismail. Kiennan. Ahmed. Mustafa. Hassan. Ali. Mehemmed. Ahmed. Hussein. Veli. Deli Hussein. Dschin Ali. Topal Hussein. Kara Ahmed. Schismann Hussein. Icimseli Mustafa. Osmann. Deli Hussein. Osmann. Kara Mehemmed. Starmboli. Ahmed Mehemmed. Dscureckdschi Ibrahim. Mustafa. Aivas. Ibrahim. Mehemmed. Mlavikli Mustafa. Tireli Ahmed. Tiriaki Mehemmed. Tossiali Mehemmed. Borlu Mehemmed. Pir piri Schalin. Ersurumli Ibrahim. Kara Mehemmed. Kara Mustafa. Eskidischi Ahmed. Mustafa. Ghiridli Mehemmed. Ali Ismidli Ibrahim. Amassiali Ali. Edreneli Aivas. Basardschikli Ali.

Artillerymen: Balalli Schaaban. Uskudarli Ali. Filibeli Ibrahim.

Iskilip Osmann, a servant in the bath.

Mustafa. Kiridschi Hussein. Sakisli Mehemmed. Ghiridli Mustafa. Tos koparan Ibrahim. Abbas Bascha. Aivas. Hussein. Redscheb. Suleiman. Ibrahim. Hadschi Hassan. Mehemmed. Ismail. Akdsche Ibrahim. Boldschi Ahmed. Jussuf Abd’ullah. Deli Ahmed. Ibrahim. Hussein. Mehemmed.
Djebedjies: Bosnak Ibrahim. Deli Hassan. Pir piri Hassan Bascha. Endreneli Kara Mustafa. Endreneli Mustafa. Iskilipli Ali. Iskilipli Musa. Almadschi Hassan. Seresli Mehemmed. Borgaschli Ahmed.

Sergen gechdis with a red flag: Hussein. Tokatli Ali Suleiman. Mehemmed. Hidir. Jusuf. Mahmud Karloghlu. Ali. Hussein. Husseim. Koniali Ahmed. Ahmed.
Silahtars (sword bearers) with a yellow flag: Mussa Amassiali. Tokatli Osman. Osman dschikdli Mehemmed. Amassieli Mustafa. Gordesli Murad. Nighsarli Omer. Ersurumli Bekir.

Sipahies with Timar-lands from the Sanjak of Saghkol: Samakovli Hassan. Scharkioli Ahmed. Scharkioli Schaaban. Ahmed. Hassan szpáhi szolgája. Mehemmed Alaaschahissarli.
Sipahies from the Sanjak of Szendrő (Smederovo): Halil Poschrefzali. Mehemed Poschrefzali. Jusuf Poschrefzali. Ahmed Krivadscha. Ali Nischli. Ahmed Nischli. Osman Nischli.
Sipahies from the Sanjak of Küsztendil: Haaschi Ramedan Kuruchnik. Redscheb Kraschnoa. Salih Bapamidsche. Hassan Tekie.
Sipahies from the Sanjak of Konya: Ahmed.
Sipahies from the Sanjak of Ohr: Kudschuk Mehemmed. Seinel. Omer. Kassim. Ibrahim. Mustafa Tunk. Oschrili Hassan.

Hussein, a servant in a bath.

From the cavalry sejmen of Pasha Abdi: Ali. Ali. Hassan. Mahmud. Deli Hassan. Deli Mustafa. Deli Ali.
Those who came from the Nahije of Debre: Osmann. Dschaffer. Redscheb. Osmann. Mehemmed. Hussein. Mehemmed. Dervisch. Hussein. Mustafa. Hussein. Ahmed. Seinel.
Those who came from the Sanjak of Szkenderije szandzsákból való: Ibrahim.

All kinds of servants: Ali, servant of the Agha of Schakahiatsche agáé. Ali, Ismail, serves of Agha Ahmed of Szerém (Sirmium); Jussuf, serf of Bey Mehemmed of Szerém. Mehemmed, serf of Agha Ibrahim of Poschrefzaiaga. Hussein, of Agha Hassan of Szendrő. Mustafa, of Agha Ahmed of Leskoza, Halil, from the kitchen of Pasha Abdi. Hassan, the kitchen lad of Topcu Agha Ahmed. Mustafa, the kitchen lad of Agha Topcu Kam Hassan. Schalim, the stable boy of Sipahi Ahmed of Voliva.
Women: Malikie. Meriem. Scheheri. Attie. Kadire. Raise. Four of these women belong to Count Veterani.
The number of Turkish men and women is 208 persons.”

There was a reference in this document to 1,380 Ottoman captives who were guarded not in the castle but on the Margit Island on the Danube:

“We call the attention of the military Council to the fact that there are altogether 1,680 Turks under guard in Buda, including women and children. The commanders must be informed that the ransom that can be gained for them can be spent on the rebuilding of Buda. It is better to ransom out Christian captives than letting the Turk captives perish.”


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