Csanád aka Nagycsanád castle is in Romania; the captain was Lugosi Ferenc in 1598 who had only 200 soldiers. Yet, he was not frightened of the outnumbering enemy but withstood the attacks in the most valiant way. When he had come to realize that they just could not keep up the unbalanced fight any longer then he carried out such a tricky and brave breakout that must have very few examples in history.

One can see similar deeds in films made in Hollywood. Having made their decision, captain Lugosi had the cannons positioned to their places as if he wanted to face the upcoming attack; he had all of them loaded with gunpowder and sulfurous cannonballs and put a burning fuse connected to them. At late night he had the gates opened and had lots of straw spread on the bridge to soften the noise of the horses. They got prepared to sneak out: even the women put on armor and helmets and took to sabers.

After this, they left the castle without being noticed by the Turkish guards. When they reached the enemy’s lines, the fuse ignited the cannons and a hellish volley struck the Turks’ guardposts. The cannons were loaded with double and triple loads and shot two balls apiece and the copper cannons also exploded with huge peals.

The Turks thought that the defenders would prepare their breakout with this volley and they didn’t realize that they had already done it so under the cover of darkness. The Hungarians were going through the Turk camp but eventually, they ran into a 500-strong unit and so they were discovered. Immediately they ambushed the surprised Turks and desperately cut themselves out of the camp. The women also got their share of the battle: they had nothing to lose. The enemy got frightened for they thought a more extensive reinforcement must have arrived and yielded the ground.
By today, the castle of Csanád has been totally diminished.

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