Western propaganda for Hungary – an Allegory from 1581

After the Battle of Mohács in 1526 and later when the country was torn into three parts at the taking of Buda in 1541, the Christian world was eager to come and help Hungary.
In the picture, you can see an etching from 1581/82 which was published by Johann Nel in Munich. It shows what they thought of the situation:

Hungary is a woman in the middle of the picture, being harassed by two Turks, her hands are being devoured by dogs. There are the persons listed on the right side of the picture who had perished while defending Christendom. The poem is about them, in the Latin language:
“They are the ones who had sheltered the homeland with strong weapons and shed their precious blood, ending their lives.” The supplication of the female figure of Hungaria can be read on the top of the composition:
“Bring me help, hero-souled Christ, hurry up and give strength to the last of the Teutons.”
You can see the horsemen clad in iron on the left side of the picture, the rising Sun is behind him, bringing help in the last minute to the female figure who is being pestered by the two Turk foot soldiers.
Source: Napi történelmi forrás